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Match Value (.*) after "want:" and turn it into a field (field_name)

 | rex field=_raw "some text before what we want:(?<field_name>.*)"  

Match field is NULL

NOT field=*


blah | timechart count by fieldname 

Fill nulls with zero

index=main startdaysago=10 | timechart span=1d count |fillnull

Note that exporting via the API, if there is no data for a day, instead of getting a zero as you would expect you will get 'None'. To work around this, before doing any last stat option, append the following

|  append [search index=_telemetry  | eval myval="0" | table _time,myval]  `comment("fillnull doesnt work on single dates that dont have logs for that day")`

Remember to grant the API/users access to the _telemetry table (only chosen as only has one entry per day (Splunk licence usage)).

Group results into 1 hour chunks

 | timechart span=1h count(field_name) by field_name 

Group by hour of day

 | eval eventHour=strftime(_time,"%H") | stats count by  eventHour 

Export RAW logs

host=<host_name> | table _raw | outputcsv rawdump.csv

Then download as csv

Count of matching field

host=* inital_serach   
| stats count(eval(_raw  like "%findx%")) as failed, count(eval(_raw  like "%findy%")) as success, by ipaddress


host="*-blah"  cmd=login 
NOT field= `comment("NOT xyz")`
NOT field= `comment("NOT abc")` 
| fields field_one, device_ip, field_server
| dedup field_one, device_ip, field_server


eventtype=jbgp_state_change | transaction host,jbgp_state_instance,jbgp_state_peer startswith=(eventtype=jbgp_state_down) endswith=(eventtype=jbgp_state_up) keepevicted=true

Transforming Commands

| top [field field2] limit=0 showperc=False countfield="Renamed something" 
| Rate [field field2] limit=0

useother=True -- use when limit!=0 so 'extras' go into a catchall bucket

Stats - all stats functions must be done together (in the same pipes)

  • Count
  • Dc (Distinct Count)
  • Sum -- stats sum(price) as "Gross Sales" by product_name
  • Avg, Min, Max
  • List -- stats list(Asset) as "stuff" by Employee
  • Value - similar to list but unique.

IP lookup


The key for dnslookup is to put the data into a table before the lookup is called

host=*mgfw* DENY  | rex field=_raw "source-address=\"(?<sourceip>.*?)\" "  | dedup sourceip | table sourceip | lookup dnslookup clientip AS sourceip
sourceip, clienthost

blah  | lookup dnslookup clientip OUTPUT clienthost
| lookup dnslookup clientip as source_ip_field OUTPUT clienthost as output_field


Uses backticks

`comment("why did I add this random string to the search again?")`

Notify about Disabled Alerts

|REST /services/saved/searches | fields title disabled | where title like "IcareaboutX%" AND disabled=1


SNMP Link down

SNMP_TRAP_LINK* NOT"\.0"  process=mib2d | table  _raw