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Latest revision as of 02:02, 8 September 2019

This is a quick and dirty Install guide for Proviso. The author of the below is an absolute Proviso idiot and as such does not guarantee that it would work. If the below does not work you its best you contact Proviso gods such as ‘dhennebr’ || ‘ntapp’ cause the un-wise author will not be able to help you.

PROVISO Installation - Cliffnotes Version + Updates for a LAB install

-------- PLEASE DONT DISTRIBUTE --------

-----Latest update------
- DesignIndex change   -

Neil Tapp - 21 Nov 2008
PROVISO 4.4.1 BASE + 4.4.1_FP001
- I make an assumption that you will check things before executing each step.

N.B Early on in the datamart install, it asks for the path to 'silvercmd' this is the datamart dir (/appl/proviso/datamart) not the silverstream silvercmd!

N.B Install Application Packs before launching PVM, on first launch you will need to specify the PV_ADMIN password (PV), so dont run it with pvm &... <-- yeah I'm a knob...

What you will need

C1G87EN (Datamart installer)
4.4.1_FP1 (Fix Pack 1)
Oracle Disks 1,2,3
Oracle 9.2.0. Patch
4.4.1_IF003 (DST fix)
Netcool SSM Agent

--Application Pack Installers--
- Base [C19BUEN]
- Tier 1 [C17XHEN], [C97G4EN], [C98U3EN], [C13BYEN], [C98U6EN]
- Tier 2 [C13C0EN]
- Tier 3 [C13C2EN], [C17XMEN]

--CUSTOMER DB Customizations
--CUSTOMER Scripts (esp. Import, Export, ProcessSubElements, InvetoryHook, Inventory_subelements)

UNIX Environment
    - Change the host files, so the short name is resolved first on each host
    - Add all Proviso hosts to the /etc/hosts file

    - Append PATH in /etc/profile if normal commands are not recognised.

    - Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow port forwarding
        allowportforwarding =yes
        X11forwarding = yes

    - Add parameters to the /etc/system file for the benefit of Oracle:

      set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=nnn
      where nnn must be the installed system RAM in bytes divided by 2.
      For example, if your system has 1 GB RAM, the maximum shared memory should
      be set to 512MB. Thus, the value to enter would be 512 x 1024 x 1024 =
      set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=536870912

      set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
      set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
      set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
      set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
      set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=110
      set semsys:seminfo_semmns=400
      set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100
      set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767

    - Reboot if necessary [yes it is, init 6, ensure you havent messed with ipconfig etc]

    - make /appl/proviso
    - make /appl/oracle
    - make /opt/alcatel

    - add users to /etc/cron.d/cron.allow

    -Create Groups (our users will end up in)
      groupadd -g 1000 proviso
      groupadd -g 100 dba

    - Create users under which PROVISO will run.  This is typically just a
      single user, 'pvuser', but any username can be used and each component
      (DataLoad, DataMart, DataChannel, and DataView) can be split up into their
      own users (typically pvdl, pvdm, pvdc, pvdv)
      As root.
      useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -m -d /appl/proviso -s /bin/ksh -k /etc/skel -c "Netcool Proviso" pvuser
      useradd -u 100 -g 100 -m -d /appl/oracle -s /bin/ksh -k /etc/skel -c "Oracle application" oracle
      (becareful if you have filesystems mounted below these dirs)
      chown -R pvuser:proviso /appl/proviso
      chown -R pvuser:proviso /opt/alcatel
      chown -R oracle:dba /appl/oracle
      (the following is EDS's latest brain child, man accounts that expire in 27 years)
      passwd -n 0 -x 9999 pvuser
      passwd -n 0 -x 9999 oracle
      passwd pvuser [pvuser]
      passwd oracle [oracle]
      ensure .profile exists for both users, add 'set -o vi' to them

Setup SSH keys for pvuser

    - Login as pvuser on your to-be datamart server
      ssh-keygen -t rsa
      cd $HOME/.ssh
      cat id_rsa.pub > authorized_keys
      sftp to other hosts, copy all files in .ssh directory
      ssh to all hosts, including to 'localhost' (specifying the host name) to trust your ssh keys.
        If you dont ssh to localhost the datamart sftp install will fail with a wierd ftp error.

Oracle Server Configuration Script [C1G87EN Install here using 4.4.1 till the DC install]
    - As root
    - Set ORACLE_BASE to the Oracle install path (/appl/oracle)
    - Run /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/instance/configure_ora
    - Set to Oracle 9.2.0
    - Check environment (this actually makes the changes)
    - Let script create oracle user, oinstall group, etc.
    - Set oracle password (passwd oracle)
    - Run /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/instance/ora_installer/pre_install_as_root

Oracle Server Software and Instance Installation
    - As oracle
    - Set DISPLAY to a valid X-Server
    - Run xclock (ensure display works) /usr/openwin/bin/xclock &
    - Copy 3 Oracle 9.2.0 CD's to temp space (Disk1, Disk2, Disk3)
    - Run /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/instance/ora_installer/perform_oracle_inst
    - Set release to 9.2.0
    - Set installation to patch installation
    - Set Oracle installer path to temp space
    - Perform install

    - As root
    - Run /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/root.sh

    - As oracle
    - Set DISPLAY to a valid X-Server if necessary
    - Copy Oracle path to temp space (Disk1)
    - Stay in perform_oracle_inst script or re-run
    - Set release to 9.2.0
    - Set installation to path installation
    - Set Oracle installer path to temp space
    - Perform install

Create PROVISO Database
    - As root
    - Create at least two Oracle mountpoints /var/oradata1, /var/oradata2
    - Change ownership and permissions chown oracle:dba oradata*

    - As oracle
    - Edit file /appl/oracle/.profile
    - Add ORACLE_SID=[ProvA]; export ORACLE_SID
    - Re-source .profile (. .profile)
    - Edit /appl/oracle/admin/skeleton/bin/configure_db.ini
    - Change mountpoints
    - Change sizes as needed
    - Run eval /appl/oracle/admin/skeleton/bin/configure_db [ProvA]
    - Run /appl/oracle/admin/PV/create/create_db
    - View settings as necessary
    - Create database
    - Change Oracle passwords for 'system' and 'sys'  [leave as manager]
    - sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    - alter user system identified by system;
    - alter user sys identified by sys;
    - Verify PROVISO database (still in sqlplus)
    - select host_name, instance_name, version, status from v$instance;  <-- this exact command
    - Should see DB hostname, PV,, OPEN  <-- this exact output

Configure Oracle Settings
    - Edit file /var/opt/oracle/oratab
    - Change startup line to [ProvA]:/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0:Y
    - Create file /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin/listener.ora
    - See example listener.ora file below
    - Edit file /var/opt/oracle/lsnrtab
    - Add line LISTENER:/appl/oracle/product/9.2.0:Y
    - Start listener with command lsnrctl start
    - Create file /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
    - See example sqlnet.ora file below
    - Create file /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    - See example tnsnames.ora file below
    - Test connectivity to the database
    - sqlplus system/manager@[ProvA]
    - Check external procedures
    - /appl/oracle/admin/skeleton/bin/checkextc system/system

Install PROVISO Schemas
    - As root
    - Run DataMart installer /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/setup
    - Select Install
    - Select PROVISO Database Configuration
    - Change PROVISO_HOME to semi-temp DB space /appl/ProvisoInstall/Install_Files
    - Continue
    - Select Database component installation
    - Set DBA_USER_NAME to system
    - Set DB_USER_ROOT to PV
    - Continue
    - Enter 'system' user password (system)
    - Set password for PV_ADMIN (PV)
    - Set Oracle tablespace locations and sizes in files
    - Let installer complete installation

Install PROVISO Database Channel (Corresponds to DataChannel Channel)
    - As root
    - Run (or stay in) DataMart installer /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/setup
    - Select Install
    - Select PROVISO Database Configuration
    - Continue
    - Leave PROVISO_HOME but do not overwrite files
    - Select Channel
    - Continue
    - Set Database Channel to install (1)
    - Continue
    - Set passwords to various Oracle users (PV)
    - Edit Database Channel parameters as necessary
    - Installer completes installation

    - Repeat for Datachannel 2

Install PROVISO DataMart
    - As root
    - Run (or stay in) DataMart installer /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/setup
    - Select Install
    - Select DataMart
    - Select User Rootname/Password
    - Set to PV for DB user root, and PV for password
    - Continue
    - Select User Login/Password
    - Set UNIX password of pvuser account
    - Optionally select and set Installation Directory to /appl/proviso/datamart
    - Continue
    - Continue again
    - Installer completes installation

Configure Aggregation Sets
    - As root
    - Source DataMart environment (. /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env)
    - Run create_modify_aggset_def
    - Select Input password for PV_ADMIN
    - Set password to PV

    - This will differ from Production Slightly, Prod has 3 timezones
        0 = NZDST
        1 = MOSCOW (Phuck up from Moss's visit)
        2 = GMT

        Here we will use

        0 = NZDST
        1 = GMT

    - Select Configure an Aggest
    - Press Enter (continue)
    - Press Enter (continue again)
    - Select timezone to add (30 for NZST)
    - Enter aggest to modify (new install = enter aggset to configure, 0)
    - Select daylight savings appropriately (yes)

    - Select Configure an Aggest
    - Press Enter (continue)
    - Press Enter (continue again)
    - Select timezone to add (13 for NZST)
    - Enter aggest to modify (new install = enter aggset to configure, 1)
    - Select daylight savings appropriately (no)

    - Script finishes configuration

Install Aggregation Sets
    - As root
    - Run (or stay in) DataMart installer /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/setup
    - Select Install
    - Select PROVISO Database Configuration
    - Change PROVISO_HOME to semi-temp DB space /appl/ProvisoInstall/Install_Files
    - Continue
    - Don't overwrite files
    - Select Aggregation Set
    - Select DB_USER_ROOT, set to PV
    - Continue
    - Select Number of the aggregation set to install
    - Enter newly created aggset ID (typically 1)
    - Continue
    - Modify values in vi as necessary
    - Installer completes installation

    - Ensure you see both AGGSETS!
Output from the datamart db installer. you can get this far without destroying anything.

============= LIST OF CONFIGURED AGGREGATION SETS ============

 Num Effect Time           Name                                        Time lag
---- --------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------
   0  01-01-1970 00:00:00  GMT                                         +0h
      03-14-2009 14:00:00  Pacific/Auckland_2009                       +12h
      03-20-2010 14:00:00  Pacific/Auckland_2010                       +12h
      10-02-2010 14:00:00  Pacific/Auckland_2010_DST                   +13h
      10-03-2009 14:00:00  Pacific/Auckland_2009_DST                   +13h
      11-20-2008 04:00:00  Pacific/Auckland_2008_DST                   +13h
   1  11-20-2008 04:00:00  Europe/London (no DST)                      +0h

2 aggregation sets configured

============== LIST OF CREATED AGGREGATION SETS ==============
============ X: created ==== #: partially created ============

Channels  0                                  0
|         1                                  2
AggSets -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|    0    X                                  X
|    1    X                                  X


Install Oracle Listener on all other servers now

    - You will need the datamart installer & oracle sw.

--Oracle Client Configuration Script [C1G87EN Install here using 4.4.1]
    - As root
    - Set ORACLE_BASE to the Oracle install path (/appl/oracle)
    - Run /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/instance/configure_client
    - Set to Oracle 9.2.0
    - Check environment (this actually makes the changes)
    - Let script create oracle user, oinstall group, etc.
    - Set oracle password (passwd oracle)
    - Run /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/instance/ora_installer/pre_install_as_root

-- Oracle Client Software and Instance Installation
    - As oracle
    - Set DISPLAY to a valid X-Server
    - Run xclock (ensure display works) /usr/openwin/bin/xclock &
    - Copy 3 Oracle 9.2.0 CD's to temp space (Disk1, Disk2, Disk3)
    - Run /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/instance/ora_installer/perform_oracle_inst
    - Set release to 9.2.0
    - Set installation to client installation
    - Set Oracle installer path to temp space
    - Perform install

    - As root
    - Run /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/root.sh

    - As oracle
    - Set DISPLAY to a valid X-Server if necessary
    - Copy Oracle path to temp space (Disk1)
    - Stay in perform_oracle_inst script or re-run
    - Set release to 9.2.0
    - Set installation to patch installation
    - Set installation to path installation
    - Set Oracle installer path to temp space
    - Perform install

    - As oracle
    - copy the sqlnet.ora from the database server $TNS_ADMIN\sqlnet.ora
    - copy the tnsnames.ora from the database server $TNS_ADMIN\tnsnames.ora (all that is needed is the
        PV.WORLD definition)
    - Test the connection tnsping [ProvA].WORLD 10
    - Test the connection again sqlplus system/manager@[ProvA].WORLD <-- if connected = works!

Install PROVISO DataLoad (can be done from DM box only if ftp is available)
    - As root
    - Source the Oracle Envrionment ( . /appl/oracle/.profile)
    - Run (or stay in) DataMart installer /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/DataMart/setup
    - Select Install
    - PROVISO DataLoad
    - PV/PV
    - Continue
    - Select target host
    - Select User Login/Password, set to pvuser/pvuser
    - Select Installation Directory, set to /appl/proviso/dataload
    - Select Data Channel Number, set to channel (1)
    - Continue
    - Installer completes installation

Install PROVISO DataChannel [ USING 4.4.1 FIX PACK 1!!!!!]
    - Ensure you can ssh everywhere as pvuser without using a password.
    - As root
    - Create directory /appl/proviso/datachannel (on each DC server)
    - Chown to pvuser:pvuser (755)

    -   Extra notes
      + AMGR.[host].CORBA_PORT=9002
      + CMGR.CORBA_PORT=9001
      + CNS.CORBA_PORT=9005
      + GLOBAL.LOG_PORT=25000
      + LOG.TRAP_PORT=162

      + Configure sftp for file-transfers

    - As pvuser
    - Source Oracle environment (. /opt/oracle/.profile)
    - Copy the dcinstall.cnf from another simple environment (/appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataChannel/dcinstall.cnf)
    - Modify the dcinstall.cnf for this environment (remember to change the trap destination!)
    - Run DataChannel installer (outline only discussed)
        ./appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataChannel/install -f dcinstall.cnf
        8 Validate Config
        10 Save Config
        -- N.B On exit it will want to save a file, this is not the dcinstall.cnf even though it says
           it is, it is a copy of the dc.cfg file!
    - Chmod 755 /opt/proviso/datachannel/bin/*
    - Add /opt/proviso/datachannel/conf/dc.cron to Crontab (crontab dc.cron)
    - Start the watchdogs, and check they are running (findvisual)
    - Start everything but the BULK bits
      dccmd start -pattern *.DISC.*.*
      dccmd start -pattern *.DLDR.*.*
      dccmd start -pattern *.LDR.*.*
      dccmd start -pattern *.CME.*.*
      dccmd start -pattern *.FTE.*.*

Install SilverStream [Using 4.4.1 FP001]
    - As oracle
    - Run the script /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataView/pvrscripts/DVOptimizerToRule.sql
    - sqlplus PV_ADMIN/PV@[ProvA]
    - @DVOptimizerToRule.sql
    - Make sure the SILVERMASTER.WORLD TNS name is setup

    - As root
    - Create directory /appl/proviso/silverstream
    - Chown /appl/proviso/silverstream to pvuser:proviso (755)
    - make all silverstream install files executable - chmod -R 755 /appl/ProvisoInstall/Silverstream
    - Chown -R /appl/ProvisoInstall/Silverstream to pvuser:proviso

    - As pvuser
    - Run SilverStream installation script ./appl/ProvisoInstall/Silverstream/install.sh
    - Don't install documentation
    - Don't install sample applications
    - Choose Oracle 9i
    - Choose OCI
    - Enter /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0
    - Don't use synonym support
    - Accept default SilverMaster
    - Enter PV
    - Don't backup existing SilverMaster
    - Accept default 'yes'
    - Accept default 'yes'
    - Enter 'administrator'
    - Enter 'admin
    - Leave default 8080
    - Leave default 54890
    - Enter no
    - Enter license key 'C6632800000001F3E22D06202005'
    - Install server, installer completes installation
      Go back throught the output and ensure there are no errors (it doesnt check FFS!)
    - Enter y to start server
    - Test server (from your machine -login as administrator/admin)
    - Edit /opt/silverstream/.agprofile
    - Before the export of AGCLASSPATH
    - Add AGCLASSPATH=$AGCLASSPATH:/opt/silverstream/lib/SilverApplication40.jar

    - Add the following after the last AGCLASSPATH+..
      export AGCLASSPATH

    - showdown the silverstream server
      /appl/proviso/silverstream/bin/SilverCmd ServerState [host]:8080 Shutdown -U administrator -P admin
      /appl/proviso/silverstream/bin/SilverCmd ServerState [host]:8080 Startup -U administrator -P admin

Install PROVISO DataView
    - As root
    - Run install script /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataView/install
    - Enter /appl/proviso/dataview
    - Enter pvuser
    - Enter pvuser (or group name)
    - Enter /appl/proviso/silverstream
    - Enter default 8080
    - Leave default administrator
    - Leave default admin
    - Leave default SilverMaster
    - Leave default pvuser
    - Leave default yes
    - Leave default PVR   <-- this is different to a std install, its what we use in prod.
    - Leave default /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0
    - Leave default 9
    - Enter Oracle hostname
    - Leave default 1521
    - Leave default [ProvA] <-- Oracle instance name.
    - Leave default PV
    - Leave default REPORT
    - Leave default REPORTMASTER
    - Leave default PV
    - Leave default PV
    - No (step 22)
    - Leave default backup directory
    - Don't backup DataView contents
    - Yes overwrite old contents
    - Don't restore DV contents
    - Yes overwrite old DV installation
    - Yes install DV
    - Installer completes installation
    - Install StyleSheets
    - cd to /opt/silverstream/bin
    - ./SilverCmd PublishFromFile <hostname>:8080 PVR \
      /opt/proviso/datamart/APStyleSheets -U administrator -P admin

Install 4.4.1 FP001 Patches

-- Dataload Patch
    - Copy to the Dataload servers
    - As root
    - Source the DL environment: . /appl/proviso/dataload/dataLoad.env
    - cd /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataMart-9/PATCHES
    - ./patch4411.sh -t dataload -h /appl/proviso/dataload

-- DataMart Patch
    - Copy to tp Datamart Server
    - As root
    - cd /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataMart-9/PATCHES
    - ./patch4411.sh -t datamart -h /appl/proviso/datamart

-- Database Update
    - Showdown all connections to the DB
      dccmd stop all (this is easiest, as random things like the UBA talk directly to the db)
      /etc/init.d/SilverStream stop
    - tarx -xvf DB_patch1374_441_fp001.tar (On the DataBase Server)
    - As root
    - cd /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/DataMart-9/upgrade
    - ./pctload DB_patch1374_441_fp001
        1 PROVISO_HOME=/appl/ProvisoInstall/Install_Files
        5 Password=PV

-- IF003 Timezone Fix
    - As pvuser
    - Transfer 4-4-1-TIV-PROV-SOLARIS-IF003.tar to /appl/ProvisoInstall/Proviso_4.4.1/FP001/IF003
    - Ensure Silverstream is running
    - tar -xvf TZ_Patch.tar
    - cd TZ_Patch
    - Source datamart (. /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env)
    - ./timzone_patch.ksh
      1 PV
      2 Run timezone patch

   - As pvuser
   - tar -xvf dvdstfix.tar
   - cd dvdstfix
   - ./install

  - now run /appl/proviso/datamart/bin/create_modify_agget_def
    Should see 2 timezones.
      0 = GMT + Pacific/Auckland 2008 - 2020 (with DST)
      1 = Europe/London (no DST)

Install SSM (self monitoring Application Pack / Agent)

- ON each Server
    - As Root
    - ./C92R^IE-ssm-3.2.1-solaris.installer
    - yes
    - 1 /appl/netcool/ssm
    - 4
    - MMAP32-06020800F958FE-22435049-zmdlswxeua
    - Enter
    - 5 261
    - Enter (to install)
    - y (continue with the installation)

- On Datamart Server
   - update /appl/proviso/home/IP_LISTS/Proviso_SSM.lst
   - Create a new Inventory Profile 'Proviso_SSM'
     Ensure the subelement Profile is /appl/proviso/datamart/conf/disc_profiles/SSM/Inventory_subelements.txt
   - SNMP Config, add each server (and port 261) to the SNMP config tool.
   - Dont select 'Use Duplicate IP Addresses' but do select 'Use Element Names'

Proviso_Monitoring (Standalone from SSM)

    - On Datamart Server
    - As pvuser
    - Create a new Inventory Profile 'PRoviso_Monitoring'
      Only Select grouping (not discovery or syncro)
    - source oracle profile ./appl/oracle/.profile
    - sqlplus PV_ADMIN/PV@[ProvA]
    - exec Pvm_Global.Validate_Monitoring_Resources;
    - exit
    - Import the Self Monitoring Collection Requests *should be covered by the CUSTOMER import later tho!
    - cd /appl/proviso/datamart/conf
    - resmgr -import segpreq -colNames “fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state” -file Proviso_Monitoring_requests.rmgr
    - resmgr -import segpreq -colNames “fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state” -file SSM_Host_requests.rmgr

Install PROVISO Application Packs
    - As root
    - From DataMart host
    - Source /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env
    - Ensure that the DISPLAY is pointing to a usable screen
    - Run Application Packs installer (not discussed)
    - Load requests as required in /appl/proviso/datamart/conf (not discussed)
    - Following guideline..

Each App Pack install.

| java -Xmx256M -jar <packname>.jar
| == Importing Style Sheets ==
| <StyleSheets dir> = $PVMHOME/APStyleSheets
| ./SilverCmd PublishFromFile <dbhost>:8080 PVR <StyleSheets dir> -U <admin> -P <adminpasswd>
| == Importing Pre-defined Collection Requests ==
| $PVMHOME/conf/<packname>_requests.rmgr
| resmgr -import segpreq -colNames “fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state” -file <packname>_requests
| == Importing predefined threshold requests ==
| resmgr -import thrdv -colNames "idxMetric segp.npath thrStat mode prdEnabled prdWrnngLevel brstCrtclTime prdCrtclTime brstEnabled blMaxNbDays brstWrnngLevel blCalcMode blGenEvent prdCrtclLevel blMinNbDays prdGenEvent blTime thrCalc brstCrtclLevel blUpper blEnabled brstWrnngTime blMode brstGenEvent prdPeriod prdWrnngTime thrCalcValue blLower" -file radius_authentication_thresholds.rmgr
| == Importub Pre-defined Percentile Requests ==
| resmgr -import pctile -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period state instance value type" -file <packname>_percentiles.rmgr

| meant to be in $PVMHOME/APFiles/<dir>/datamart/conf
| resmgr -import pctile -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period state instance value type" \-file REQUEST_FILE


=== STARTER PACKS  === [C19BUEN] (run using ./setup)

SID = ProvA
Host Name = SF0011
Port = 1521
User Name = PV_ADMIN
Password = PV

--- From the Installer Select the following --
  Applcation Pack Starter Kit
  * MIBs, Stylesheets and config file
  * AP Base DB Content
  * Generic Metrics
  * Standard Thresholds
  * DV Navigator Reporter Set Wizard Pack
  * Frame Relay Pack

  MPLS Pack
  * Juniper MPLS TE

  Riverstone Pack
  * Riverstone Chassis

  Juniper E Series (ERX) Device Pack
  * Juniper ERX Device

  Juniper Class of Service Pack
  * Juniper M/T Series Class of Service

  Netcool/Proviso Monitoring
  * Netcool/Proviso Monitoring

  Carrier VoIP
  * ACME Packet
  * Alcatel 7510
  * Alcatel 5020
  * Alcatel 5020MGC
  * Alcatel 8920
  * Alcatel System Platform

  RADIUS Packs
  * RADIUS Accounting
  * RADIUS Authentication
-- End Base App Pack Installer--

--import the requests from /appl/proviso/datamart/conf--
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file FrameRelay_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file Juniper_MPLS_TE_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file Riverstone_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file Juniper_ERX_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file juniper_cos_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file Proviso_Monitoring_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file SSM_Host_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file voip_acme_requests.rmgr
^^ there will be 2 errors
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file voip_alcatel_7510_requests.rmgr
^^ there will be 1 error
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file voip_alcatel_5020_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file voip_alcatel_5020mgc_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file voip_alcatel_8920_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file voip_alcatel_platform_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file radius_accounting_requests.rmgr
resmgr -import segpreq -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period instance state" -file radius_authentication_requests.rmgr

--import the thresholds from /appl/proviso/datamart/conf--
resmgr -import thrdv -colNames "idxMetric segp.npath idxResource dteDate thrStat mode prdEnabled prdWrnngLevel brstCrtclTime prdCrtclTime brstEnabled blMaxNbDays brstWrnngLevel blCalcMode blGenEvent prdCrtclLevel blMinNbDays prdGenEvent blTime thrCalc brstCrtclLevel blUpper blEnabled brstWrnngTime blMode brstGenEvent prdPeriod prdWrnngTime thrCalcValue blLower" -file radius_accounting_thresholds.rmgr
resmgr -import thrdv -colNames "idxMetric segp.npath idxResource dteDate thrStat mode prdEnabled prdWrnngLevel brstCrtclTime prdCrtclTime brstEnabled blMaxNbDays brstWrnngLevel blCalcMode blGenEvent prdCrtclLevel blMinNbDays prdGenEvent blTime thrCalc brstCrtclLevel blUpper blEnabled brstWrnngTime blMode brstGenEvent prdPeriod prdWrnngTime thrCalcValue blLower" -file radius_authentication_thresholds.rmgr

-- import pctile requests from /appl/proviso/datamart/conf
resmgr -import pctile -colNames "fgp.nName segp.npath ttype status storage period state instance value type" -file voip_acme_percentiles.rmgr

-- import stylesheets --
[~/silverstream/bin] $ ./SilverCmd PublishFromFile localhost:8080 PVR /appl/proviso/datamart/APStyleSheets -U administrator -P admin

Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root~Sub-Element Collect~Carrier VOIP~Infrastructure~Session Border Controller~ACME_Packet

Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

Import Collection Requests
Import Style Sheets

Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

--Juniper ERX--
Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

--Juniper ERX QoS--
Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

--MPLS Tunnel--

Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Juniper_QoS
Merge inventory_subelement.txt

--Proviso Monitoring--
Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

--Radius Accounting--
Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

--Radius Authentication--
Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests
Import predefined threshold requests.

Import Style Sheets
Import Collection Requests

=== TIER 1 === (as pvuser from here)

--MIB II-- [C17XHEN]
Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Devices->IP Device
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Interfaces
Merge inventory_subelement.txt

cat /appl/proviso/datamart/APFiles/rfc_mib2/dataview/DVAppPacksBundle.properties >> /appl/proviso/datamart/APLocalization/DVAppPacksBundle.properties

-- Cisco Device-- [C97G4EN]
Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Cisco Device

---Not used as we have our own ---
| To Activate dynamic inventory requests. (hit in log = 'INVARIANT, discovery = 'Invoke')
| --inventory hook needs 'cbqos_object_id_mv.pl' if using this.
| --POLL = 5 MINS CISCO DEVICE ==> Sub-Element Collect~Dynamic Inventory~Cisco Devices
| AP~Specific~SNMP~Cisco~System~Cisco_Device_Dynamic_Discovery_Collection
| AP~Specific~Cisco~CME~Cisco_Device_Dynamic_Discovery_Invariant_Check
| --POLL = 5 MINS CISCO PORTS ==> Sub-Element Collect~Dynamic Inventory~Cisco Ports
| AP~Specific~SNMP~Cisco~Interfaces~Cisco_If_Dynamic_Discovery_Collection
| AP~Specific~Cisco~CME~Cisco_If_Dynamic_Discovery_Invariant_Check
| AP~Specific~SNMP~Cisco~Interfaces~Cisco_If_Stack_Dynamic_Discovery_Collection
| AP~Specific~Cisco~CME~Cisco_If_Stack_Dynamic_Discovery_Invariant_Check

Merge inventory_subelement.txt

cat /appl/proviso/datamart/APFiles/cisco_device/dataview/DVAppPacksBundle.properties >> /appl/proviso/datamart/APLocalization/DVAppPacksBundle.properties

--Cisco QoS-- [C98UEN]
Run the shell script prior to app pack install (removes some properties)
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Cisco CBQoS
Unzip data/cisco_cbqos.zip –d /appl/proviso/datamart
Unzip data/APStyleSheets.zip –d /appl/proviso/datamart (allow it to overwrite all)
Merge inventory_subelement.txt
Move the perl scrip in /APfiles/datamart/bin to /appl/proviso/datamart/bin
Import Style Sheets
cat /appl/proviso/datamart/APFiles/cisco_cbqos/dataview/DVAppPacksBundle.properties >> /appl/proviso/datamart/APLocalization/DVAppPacksBundle.properties

--Cisco IPSLA-- [C13BYEN]
Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Latency->Cisco IP SLA
Merge inventory_subelement.txt

--Juniper M-- [C98UGEN]

Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Juniper Chassis
Merge inventory_subelement.txt

=== TIER 2 ===

--Convedia-- [C13C0EN]
Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Convedia
Localization (during install or after manually)
Merge inventory_subelement.txt

=== TIER 3 ===

--8605 OSP MMAS-- [C13C2EN]
Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Carrier VOIP->Infrastructure->Softswitch Platform->Alcatel 8605 OSP MMAS

--5620 SAM v5-- [C17XMEN]
Import Style Sheets
Enable the Collection Requests
Root->Sub-Element Collect->Alcatel 5620 SAM

Launch PVM
    - Now the App Packs are installed, launch PVM and finish the config.

DesignIndex Modify <<<< IMPORTANT >>>>
resmgr -import DesignIndex 101000000  (that's 101 million)
Because at the time of writing production is up to 100,630,330

Import CUSTOMER Specific stuff

    - 'Export' CVS -> PROVISO -> 4.3T_Base

    - Using Silverstream PublishFromFile commands Import the Silverstream new & modify

    - Remove approprate parts from the db (if not part of production) check for constrains first!

    - Note around reporters and chart styles
      - Import agp first, next you will need to import reporters/chart styles into the orphans group
        and then put them into the relevant group, this may take several iterations to get them
        all imported (cause DV_Navigator is stupid!)

    - Import CUSTOMER customizations in the following order
        - seprp
        - segp (careful with the duplicate juniper erx issue)
        - agp
        - appS     | You may need to do both these commands afew times.
        - agp_appS |
        - app      + You will need to do both thses commands till all are imported.
        - agp_app  +
        * Copy the MIBS to the MIB dir, open the MIB Compiler, and compile one MIB - this
          will compile all the MIBs into the DB.
        - fgp
        - fgp_frm
        - segpreq
        - pctile
        - thrdv
        - linkGroupSE (linkGroupSE_APP)
        * I dont do anything with thrdv_gen_grp, you would need to manually add these (not advisable)

Link Dataview Groups to Timezones

      - There is old timezone guff in production, so dont copy that!
        +Format is :  resmgr -export segp -colNames "npath tz.name cal.name"
        +Calendar is always 'CME Permanent'
        +Run the following command to get the timzones, appl '0' to all except OO-AAPT
        resmgr -export tz -colNames "dbIndex name" -order dbIndex
            npath                             timzone
            ~Alcatel Operations               0
            ~Alcatel-Lucent                   0
            ~Alcatel-Lucent Operations        0
            ~NGN Reporting                    0
            ~NOC Reporting                    0
            ~One Office Reports               0
            ~One Office Reports (AAPT)        1
            ~One Office Reports (Wholesale)   0
            ~Real Time Reports                0
            ~Third Party Reports              0

      - build up a timezones file then import it with the following command
        - (looks equivalent to resmgr -export segp -colNames "npath tz.name tz.dbIndex cal.name")
        + resmgr -import linkGroupSE_TZC -colNames "npath tz.name tz.dbIndex cal.name" -file linkGroupTZ.txt


            ~Alcatel-Lucent|_|Greenwich Mean Time|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|
            ~Alcatel-Lucent|_|New Zealand Standard Time_2009_DST|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|
            ~Alcatel-Lucent|_|New Zealand Standard Time_2010|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|
            ~Alcatel-Lucent|_|New Zealand Standard Time_2010_DST|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|
            ~Real Time Reports (Non Wholesale)|_|New Zealand Standard Time_2029_DST|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|
            ~Real Time Reports (Non Wholesale)|_|New Zealand Standard Time_2030|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|
            ~Real Time Reports (Non Wholesale)|_|New Zealand Standard Time_2030_DST|_|0|_|CME Permanent|_|

            [if you need to delete one use resmgr -delete linkGroupSE_TZC -colNames "npath tz.name tz.dbIndex cal.name" -line "~Alcatel-Lucent|_|Greenwich Mean Time|_|1|_|CME Permanent|_|"

Modify extraTools config
      - Copy /appl/proviso/datamart/extraTools from CVS
      - edit config/login.info
        + ORA_SID
        + ADMIN_USER
        + ADMIN_PASS

Create some Users

    - /appl/proviso/silverstream/bin/smc & (or launch it locally -careful with port forwarding)
    + Security --> Users & Groups --> Silver Security --> Users
      [create a user, doesnt need to be in a group to work]
      + SilverStream User (test/test)
      + Create a new group 'PVL', add administrator to the group so DVNavigator will be able to edit reports :)

    - Run DVUserEditor
      + SilverJRunner.exe SF0011:8080 PVR DVUserEditor
      + Create a group (Testing_Group)
      + Select 'Testing_Group' --> Create User
        + Name the user first! 'SSSW\\test'
        + Use defaults except 'Resource Property' select 'OneOfficeReportingLabel'
      + Select the new user - Add Group
        + Add all groups EXCEPT 'Sub-Element Collect'!!!!

=PATCHES= Proviso Post Patches =PATCHES=

    + Copy from cvs to '/appl/proviso/datachannel/state' the following files, ensure there are no other files referenced in Green.139.startup
    +  - Green.139.startup
    +  - Green.139.startup.sql
    +  - PATCH-PvDbSqlStatement.st
    +  - PATCH-PvUdpLogServer.st
    +  - PATCH-RA503153.st
    +  - PATCH20070316-RA502836.st
    +  - RA502872-DB.st

-Dataload (v3 Fix)
    + 46992-220-796_test_fix_collector_042309.tar.gz, replaces $PVMHOME/lib/libpvmd

    +, extract and run ./patch.sh /appl/proviso/datamart as root.
    +  - -arc/pvm.ar
    +  - -arc/tools.ar
    +  - -res/C/resmgr.res

Additons to Crontab on Datamart Server (basic)

0  * * * * [ -f /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env ] && [ -x /appl/proviso/datamart/bin/pollinv ] && . /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env && pollinv -noX
0  * * * * [ -f /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env ] && [ -x /appl/proviso/datamart/bin/pismgr ] && . /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env && pismgr verify >/dev/null 2>&1
30 * * * * [ -f /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env ] && [ -x /appl/proviso/datamart/bin/dbMgr ] && . /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env && dbMgr analyzeMetaDataTables A N > /dev/null 2>&1
# Cleanup from DV Report Schdeuler
15 6 * * 0-6 /opt/alcatel/scripts/rmagedfilesanddirs.pl /appl/proviso/silverstream/Scheduler 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
# Command to purge historical data from database. Neil dec 08 (40d raw, 60d daily, 90d monthly)
10 16 * * 6 [ -f /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env ] && . /appl/proviso/datamart/dataMart.env && /appl/proviso/datamart/extraTools/purgepart/PV_partition_purge.ksh -dr 40 -da 60 -db 60 -wa 12 -ma 3 >> /tmp/PV_partition_purge.log 2>&1

Proviso Info Demon Issues (/etc/init.d/pis3113ProvisoInfoServer)

    Since this uses Java - ensure the host names in the /appl/proviso/datamart/conf/provisoinfo.conf file are in lower case!

Example listener.ora File
# listener.ora network configuration file in directory
# /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = SF0011) (PORT = 1521))
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = ProvA)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0)

Example tnsnames.ora File
# tnsnames.ora network configuration file in
# /appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin
# The EXTPROC entry only needs to exist in the
# tnsnames.ora file on the Oracle server.
# For Oracle client installations, tnsnames.ora
# only needs the PV.WORLD entry.

      (ADDRESS =
      (PROTOCOL = IPC)
      (KEY = EXTPROC)
      (ADDRESS =
        (PROTOCOL = TCP)
        (HOST = SF0011)
        (PORT = 1521)
      (INSTANCE_NAME = ProvA)

    (HOST = SF0011)
    (PORT = 1521)

      ( ADDRESS = ( PROTOCOL = TCP ) ( HOST = SF0011 ) ( PORT = 1521 ))

      ( ADDRESS = ( PROTOCOL = TCP ) ( HOST = SF0011 ) ( PORT = 1521 ))

Example sqlnet.ora File